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I just read an ARC (Advance Reader Copy) of a new series by S.E. Turner.  Because the new book I got to read (Sorceress of the Sapphire, Book One – Kingdom of Durundal 2) isn’t out yet, I can’t write a review, so I thought I’d rave about it here. I’ve never done this before, but I  think this series is the perfect read for the situation we’re in now – so here I go…

The Kingdom of Durundal series is listed as fantasy, a genre I don’t normally read – but I think it’s much more than that. The characters feel too real, and the problems they face too immediate, to be fantasy. To me, it feels like a historical look at what clan life used to be like in Scotland, or some other ancient realm before recorded time. And we all know that history repeats itself, like it or not. For the same reasons I love J.R. R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis’s novels, I am completely drawn to The Kingdom of Durundal.

Why? Horrible things happen to Turner’s characters, but they rise above their challenges and survive. Heroes spring up and save the day when least expected, when all seems lost. Whether old-fashioned ingenuity or analytical minds applying themselves in a genius way, or something just a little magical or beyond our understanding, the battle is always won. There is loss, there is heartbreak – people die and worlds change so much that you know deep down things will never be the same, but somehow, in the end, good always prevails over evil. Hope blossoms when you are sure that all hope is lost. I don’t know about you, but I find that inspiring, now more than ever.

In the author’s own words, The Kingdom of Durundal’s five books are made up of the following elements:  Fantasy, history, ancient mythology, sword and sorcery, battles, apothecary (herbal medicines), spirituality, honour, betrayal, vengeance, magic, sacrifice, coming of age, love, strength, courage.

It’s an amazing combination. Some things that I personally love about these books – the author interweaves themes like greed and selfishness, a struggle as contemporary as it is ancient – and redemption! Forgiveness, and second chances, delayed gratification and patience, make the characters so perfectly imperfect that you will fall in love with them just as I did.

Click here to check out S.E. Turner’s novels on Amazon.

I can’t tell you to rush out and buy Sorceress of the Sapphire, the first book in the new series, which I am thrilled to report, takes place a decade and a half later, but still in the Kingdom of Durundal, because it won’t be available until May 1st. But if anything I’ve said sounds interesting, it’s the perfect time to read A Hare in the Wilderness – Book 1, A Wolf in the Dark – Book 2, A Leopard in the Mist – Book 3, A Stag in the Shadows – Book 4, A Moth in the Flames – Book 5. By the time you’re done, the first book in the continuing series will be available for order, and you will thank me for recommending them.

Although a very minor disappointment in the total scheme of things lost because of the pandemic, it looks like our trip to Scotland, described in an earlier post –  is most likely not going to happen.

We receieved a note from one of our hosts this morning saying that they were cancelling all reservations. We’ve also confirmed that the Blair Atholl Castle’s Highland Games and Bagpipe and Atholl Highlanders Review scheduled for the end of May has been cancelled. So has the Taste of Granpian Food Show we were going to attend in Aberdeenshire in June. Oh – the Peat Inn in Fife, and the Kilted Fudge Company are closed until further notice.

I don’t know how to alter photos to include a big red X drawn across them, but we can scratch out the following:

Hope springs eternal, and I know we were all wishing that this situation would resolve itself quickly. But the experts seem to think we will be dealing with COVID-19 for a long time. On my best days, I manage to take things in stride – I am very blessed, and I trust in a God who is able to work all things together for good. I’ve been sticking to my diet, sleeping fairly well, and staying busy preparing take out food at my tea house instead of stressing out and eating everything in sight (my usual way of dealing with stress.)

BlueBelle 2016

I am blessed with a wonderful husband to be quarrantined with, a mortgage that’s paid off, a family that’s nearby, and some wonderfully faithful customers, so it’s all good. But I am afraid of what will happen if Mark or I gets the virus because of our reduced immune systems.

Sherrie - Mark

I usually survive the long, dreary winter and times of stress by dreaming about our next great adventure. Our trips to Europe sustain me and motivate me and inspire me mentally, physically, and emotionally. It’s hard to find things to look forward to when we can’t see our friends or get together with our families or attend fun events or even regroup and recenter at a worship service at church.

Zion - Sunset

And isn’t it funny that I’ve been dreaming for weeks of having the time to get back to my painting, and now that I have extra time, I just can’t seem to get into it?

Droid August 25 2016 005

I started to outline a new book, which I can set anywhere in the world, based on my memories and imagination. Right now, I’m thinking Portree, on the Isle of Skye. When Plum Tart Iris comes back from my proofreaders, I’ll have editing and polishing to do.  Spring is coming, and soon, there will be flowers to photograph and walks to take.

Scot - Chanonry Point

Everything will be fine, right? And if this virus changes my life in a more significant way than the current minor disapointments we’ve all experienced, I will adapt. At least, I hope so.

97 Scotland - Celtic Cross

In the meantime, let’s all pray. Really pray. Keep looking up. Stay home. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem. Pray. Keep praying.

Take care and stay healthy!

Love, Sherrie

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